Upper Key Stage 2
Assistant Headteacher UKS2
Florence Kirk-Buaku
Phase Timetable
Click here to view the timetable
Year 5
Class Assembly 5F – 21/22
Class Assembly 5H – 21/22
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024- 2025
The latest Year 5 Learning Update!
Thank you for your continued support this half term. All the children have been working hard in all areas of the curriculum. We hope everyone is keeping on top of the homework. Please ensure you read the criteria for maths and English- the children should write a sentence for each spelling word. This is a time to practice spelling the word correctly, in context, and also to practice neat, joined handwriting.
A huge well done to all the children for putting on a fabulous class assembly. They were absolutely amazing at learning their lines and delivering a fun and exciting assembly.
Maths: In Maths, we have been exploring fractions. We have used a range of resources, fraction walls and bar models. We also learnt how to convert improper fractions into a mixed number fraction.
Children also did incredibly well ordering fractions starting with the same denominator and then moving forward with different denominators. The children should continue to consolidate their learning using, Times Tables Rock Stars.
Humanities: Our topic this term is ‘Time travellers’. We have used secondary sources to find out about the past, particularly the Iron Age and what they used as weapons. The children designed their own Bonneville shield after looking at pictures of the Battersea and Wandsworth shields. The children had the opportunity to experience
first-hand mud larking on the River Thames where they got to excavate lots of amazing treasures from the past.
English: In English we have been exploring the famous poem by Alfred Noyes –The Highwayman. The children have role played the story in order to feel the emotions and thoughts of each character. They wrote amazing character descriptions, diary entries and informal letters. We focussed on speech, parenthesis, question marks and exclamation marks.
Science: Our science this half term is Earth and Space. We learnt about the famous physicist, Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocack and her amazing work on building an 8 meter telescope to see into space. The children also made up their own mnemonic to learn the order of the planets from the sun.
P.E. Our P.E days are Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure that you have your P.E kits at school at all times. The children have been practicing their ball skills in order to play basketball.
Year 6
Class Assembly 6K 2021-2022
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025
The latest Year 6 Learning Update!
Year 6 are continuing to work hard, and have continued to build on their learning across the curriculum. A few reminders… Year 6 will have PE on Mondays and Fridays, and all children are expected to wear full PE kit (a white t-shirt and blue or black bottoms) and this should be left in school for any additional PE lessons as they arise. Homework is set and send home every Friday and should be handed in by the following Wednesday. Each week there will be spelling homework, and there will be a spelling test on Thursdays. Maths homework in books will be sent home every other week, and this will always follow on from the learning that we are currently doing. Supporting resources will also be posted on Google Classroom (ensure that you are signed up to Google Classroom). Every week, there will be an inter-class tournament on Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) – all children are expected to compete. Each week, we will be checking homework and inviting children to ‘Homework Club’ if they have not completed anything – this is good preparation for secondary school. Reading at home is a very important part of homework too – children are expected to complete entrances in their reading records a minimum of four times per week – this will also be checked by class teachers each week.
Maths: In Maths, we have been focusing on Fractions. We have explored what fractions are, comparing and ordering, finding equivalent fractions, and simplifying as well as adding and subtracting fractions. Some of us have found fractions tricky, so any additional support at home would be great! We apply our understanding of these areas to reasoning, varied fluency and problem solving questions.
English: Our English learning links heavily to our “Wakanda Forever” topic, and there is a lot of cross-curricular connections with History and researching the ancient kingdom of Benin. We have been exploring newspaper reports over the last few weeks resulting in a published newspaper article. We had to research only one perspective, so we split and half researched the from the Benin perspective, and half researched from the British perspective. This gave an insightful balance and we debated our points of views in a conscious alley. We have looked at a variety of different newspapers and articles, and through those identified and explored the main features focusing on headlines and sensationalist language, the 5Ws and using them in orientations. This week we planned, drafted, edited and published our newspapers, and next week we will use our knowledge to create ‘breaking news’ TV news reports!
Humanities: Our topic for the Autumn Term is “Wakanda Forever”. In Geography, we will be exploring Africa as a continent and then looking at Nigeria in more detail, as the ancient kingdom of Benin is located in modern day Nigeria. We have looked at the human geographical features of Nigeria, and using our research and knowledge we have presented our findings as if we are writing an article for a Wakandian Tourism brochure. In History, we have looked at the timeline of the ancient kingdom of Benin from when it began until when it lost power, and thought about its rise and fall and have compared it to Britain during the same time period.
Science: Our Science learning this term is focused on Physics specifically “Electricity”, and we learn Science every other week and have a Science Day at the end of term. We have found out about an influential scientist in this area – Alessandro Volta, who invented the very first cell (battery). This week we have started to look at circuits and exploring what makes a circuit, recognising the symbols and drawing a variety of circuits.
Art / Design Technology: This term we will be focussing on Design Technology (DT). We have been set a challenge by Black Panther’s sister Shuri, she is a scientist and engineer who loves advancing Wakanda’s technology. She has asked us to collaborate with our Science learning and design and build a moving vehicle. We have explored the history of vehicles and discussed the different types.
Religious Education: This term we are exploring Buddhism. We have been discussing pilgrimages and the places around the world that Buddhists make a pilgrimage to, we researched and explored these locations.
PSHCE: In PSHCE last week, we recognised “Anti-Bullying Week”. We explored different themes each day discussing each. We enjoyed wearing odd socks for Odd Socks Day, and spots for Children in Need today. We had lots of insightful discussions around bullying versus banter and how banter can lead to upsetting people. This week, we have been focussing on ‘Friendship’ and the concepts of being included and excluded – we explored, discussed and shared a range of scenarios to help with our understanding.
Computing: In computing, we have been exploring Programming. We are using KODU software, so have been exploring how to use KODU and working towards creating a game inspired by “Black Panther”.
PE: We have been learning Dodge Ball.
We are always available before and after school on the gates to discuss any questions you may have, The Year 6 Team.
Secondary School Transfer
Parent Workshops
PGL – Year 6 Residential