Upper Key Stage 2

Assistant Headteacher UKS2 

Florence Kirk-Buaku

Phase Timetable

Click here to view the timetable

Year 5

Class Assembly 5F – 21/22
Class Assembly 5H – 21/22
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024- 2025

The latest Year 5 Learning Update!

Dear parents/carers, we hope you are all well and enjoying the summer term. It is hard to believe that we only have three more weeks until the end of the school year! There are lots of exciting things happening at the moment: the children will be going to the cinema to watch Inside out 2 on Friday 12 th July which links perfectly with our SRE lessons about puberty, we also have our sports day planned for Friday 5 th July-weather permitting

Science- Science this term is properties and changes of materials. The children will be investigating the changes caused by burning and irreversible chemical changes.

ENGLISH- The children have been skimming and scanning newspapers to identify their features. We have also planned an informal letter to Rishi Sunak about the Windrush scandal.

 PE-The children have been practicing for their sports day- relay races, egg and spoon and throwing and catching races. All children must bring in suitable clothing to change into– shorts, joggers, trainers and T-shirts. This will ensure a level of hygiene.

Humanities: Windrush journeys is our topic. The children have been learning to identify the human and physical features of the Caribbean and the cause of the Windrush scandal.

Maths-In maths the children have been learning to convert units of measure. They started with kilometres and meters and quickly moved onto meters and centimetres.

Art- The children are learning about Brianna McCarthy a mixed media Caribbean artist. They critiqued her work, drew a self-portrait in the style and have begun to create their papier Mache

Year 6

Class Assembly 6K 2021-2022
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025

The latest Year 6 Learning Update!

With just a few weeks left in Year 6, we are still very busy working hard and having fun!  We have all auditioned and been given our parts for the end of year production: this year we are performing “Pirates of the Curry-Bean”.  In preparation for our performance, we have had a workshop with a drama company (And Action Drama School) who have helped us with our acting and performing skills.  Our homework going forward will not be learning the words for our parts and the songs.  Remember that we also have to complete two pieces of Topic / Science homework, all of which were shown at the exhibition – our topic this term is “Survivor”.

We have enjoyed one of our post SATS reward trips and had a great day at Flip Out! Canary Wharf, where we explored a range of activities including bumper cars, quasar quest and roller skating.  We’re looking forward to our upcoming trip to Brighton and the Natural History Museum as well as a few bonus surprises the teachers have planned! 

Some dates to remember:

  • Thursday 11th July:  Trip to Brighton
  • Monday 15th July:  Trip to the Natural History Museum
  • Tuesday 16th July:  Whole School Book Look
  • Thursday 18th July:  Production Performance
  • Friday 19th July:  Topic Dress Up Day / Topic Exhibition
  • Monday 22nd July:  Leavers Assembly
  • Monday 22nd July:  Prom

Maths:  In Maths, we are applying our learning to a variety of problem solving and investigations: there will be a specific focus on a ‘Theme Park’ investigation.  As part of this investigation the children begin with a budget of £500,000 and they have to set up a theme park, then calculate costs, loss and profit.  It is a challenging but rewarding series of lessons that has us applying maths skills in a real life context.

English:  In our English lessons we have been looking at playscripts to prepare us for our production.  We have looked at their key features, identifying them and describing them.  Before our auditions, we did some improvisations and acting in a variety of different manners to help us prepare for our auditions.  Once we knew our characters, we then delved into who they were and what they would look and act like, to help us to engage with our characters.  We wrote detailed character profiles / descriptions of our characters.

Geography:  Our topic this half term is “Survivor”.  In their “Survivor” topic, we have found out about the destructive powers of nature – volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and tornadoes.  Through discussion and practical tasks, we will learn about how and why these natural phenomenon occur and the ways they effect people and the environment.  We created posters / leaflets on how to survive an earthquake.

History:  As part of their “Survivor” topic, we investigated survival stories from within living memory (just!) –  The Titanic.  We carried out research using a range of primary and secondary sources, including videos, images and texts, to find out about the sinking of Titanic.  We used our research to write a diary entry of an eyewitness / survivor boarding the Titanic, being onboard, hitting the iceberg and sinking.

PSHCE:  This half term, we will recap the changes that take place during puberty.  We will think about different sorts of changes and how we are becoming more independent.  As part of this, we will be working with a charity on a series of transition workshops to help us think about our future transitions into secondary school.  We will also consider different types of relationships and how to maintain positive relationships with others.

Religious Education:  In R.E., we will have a focus on Christianity this half term.  We will look at:  Commitment, belonging and belief in the special presence of God during significant life events, e.g. weddings:  Example of at least one person and one charitable organisation that exemplifies Christianity in action: and Encounter with one local Christian to share how their life is led by faith.

Science:  Our Science is Biology this half term, with a focus on ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’.  We have described how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including microorganisms, plants and animals, and give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics.

Secondary School Transfer 



Parent Workshops


PGL – Year 6 Residential