
Bonneville School has a Governing Board of ten people. We come from all walks of life and bring many different skills and experiences to the role. We are united in a desire to see the best for the school, of which we are all very proud. We passionately believe that our pupils must have the very best education and learning we can provide.

Who we are

Executive Headteacher Governor
Andrea Parker

Parent Governors
Portia Eyeson
Claire Tyler

Staff Governor
Jacqui Napier

LA Governor
Nick Hiley (Chair of FRP)

Co-opted Governors – Appointed by FGB
Fiona Morris (Chair of Governors) 
Tina Wakefield (Chair of TLW)
Paul Todd (Safeguarding Link Governor)
Ceris Fender-Reid (Safeguarding Link Governor)
William Brown

Clerk to Governors
Lucy Twinn

Click here to read more about our Governors

Members of the Governing Board can be contacted via the School Office:
(T) 020 8673 1183
(F) 020 8673 8522

Governors work as a team, in the best interests of the children and the school, to raise educational standards and ensure everyone within the school community is safe. The Headteacher is part of the team. Governors:

  • are accountable for the performance of the school to parents and the wider community
  • plan the school’s future direction
  • appoint the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher
  • make decisions on the school’s budget and staffing structures
  • make sure the national curriculum is taught and set the Statutory Attainment Target (SATS)
  • agree policies about the way the governing board and the school work
  • decide how the school can encourage pupil’s spiritual, moral and social development
  • make sure the school provides for all its pupils, whatever their abilities and needs
  • support and challenge the Headteacher by gathering views, asking questions and deciding what’s best for the school.

How we work

The Governing Board meets once a term. We have four committees who also meet at least once a term:

  • Teaching, Learning and Wellbeing Committee (TLW) – who agree, evaluate and review all matters relating to what the pupils are taught and their progress
    View TLW terms of reference
  • Finance, Resources and Personnel Committee  – who plan, evaluate and review the school budget and all matters relating to the building and grounds and also review all matters relating to staff and volunteers
    View Finance and Resources terms of reference
    View Personnel terms of reference
  • Governance Committee – who consider the school’s strategic development and the impact decisions about finance and staffing have on outcomes for pupils.

Governors perform their role by:

  • Attending meetings, including participating in at least one committee
  • Receiving written briefings, reports and presentations from the Headteacher and other staff
  • Discussing and debating key issues and data
  • Visiting the school, including undertaking a specific role as a link governor
  • Meeting with parents and staff – both informally and formally
  • Undertaking regular training

Feedback from/to Parents and Pupils

We carry out an annual survey of parents and discuss the results. We provide feedback and updates to parents on the survey and other activities at consultation meetings, by letter and via the ‘Friday Flyer’. We also provide information via links to FAB. Governors also attend School Council meetings and discuss the results of pupil surveys and feedback from class teachers.

We are always keen to hear the view of parents – please feel able to tell us what you think at any time. You can contact us by:

  • Leaving a note/comment in the Parents’ Suggestion Box the school office (this is reviewed weekly by the Chair of Governors)
  • Contact us via the school office details above

There are many people involved in ensuring that our school community continues to thrive. The Governors would like to express their thanks to:

  • our pupils for all their hard work
  • our staff for their continued commitment to the school
  • our parents and carers for their support and feedback and
  • our volunteers for all the time they freely give that makes a huge difference.