
We have very high expectations of behaviour at Bonneville and have clear strategies in place throughout school to help generate positive behaviour at all times. Much emphasis is placed on high quality PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) which is delivered in class and also within daily assemblies. Children are taught to respect differing needs and backgrounds, including those relating to religious and cultural differences, sexuality as well as those with special educational needs. When problems arise we are committed to dealing with incidents in a consistent and fair manner. Developing an atmosphere of mutual respect is a key priority within our school. Some of the strategies we use to promote positive behaviour around our school include:

  • Praise and encouragement on a regular basis, for effort and success
  • Examples of high quality work commended and shared with other children and classes
  • Child sent to Phase Leader, Assistant Head, Deputy or Head with work showing effort or excellence
  • Stars or stickers (Class based)
  • Weekly ‘Celebration Assembly’ where trophies and certificates are given out for such things as good attitude to learning or good behaviour
  • House Points system in place across the school, earned for positive attitude or behaviour
  • Adult support 1:1 or in groups for specific children with more complex needs
  • Modelling of positive behaviours by all members of staff
  • Working with outside agencies; e.g. Kennington Park Bridge to School

Our school has a designated HLTA for Behaviour Support. Children are able to spend time with her to discuss incident of poor behaviour and encouraged to reflect on the reasons for their actions.  Children are supported to develop their own strategies to ensure that difficult situations are minimised and they are reminded to think before they act at all times.

It is important to note that this ‘modelling’ of behaviour is an expectation of all adults in school: those who work here or parents and carers who are visiting school premises at the beginning or end of the day. We believe that this can have a massive impact on further developing the positive ethos that we wish to maintain at Bonneville.

Further information on how we deal with behaviour at Bonneville can be found in our Behaviour Policy on this website.


Click here to view our Behaviour Policy