Key Stage 1

Assistant Headteacher EYFS

Martine Auton

Phase Leader Martine Auton

Phase Timetable

Click here to view the timetable

Year 1

1C Class Assembly  – 2021/22
1J Class Assembly – 2021/22
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025

The latest Year 1 Learning Update!

Year 1 have shown a huge amount of enthusiasm towards our ‘Toys’ topic where so far they have had the opportunity to bring in a toy from home and use comparative language whilst describing similarities and difference between toys from the past and toys played with today as part of our History lesson. The children then brought in a soft toy that we took on a tour around our school as part of our Geography unit. During this session the children also used ‘Google Earth’ to gain a better understanding of an aerial view and later drew out an aerial view of our classroom. The children are now looking forward to taking their soft toy on a tour around our local area on Tuesday 22nd October. Thank you to those parents who have volunteered to support.

Linked to our ‘Toys’ topic, in English we have been reading ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’ where the children have been gaining a better understanding of adjectives to describe the main character Bunting, The Toys and the different setting in the story. The children have now taken their learning up a level by using adjectives in sentences. We are all looking forward to our parent consultation meetings so that we can share the amazing work that is being produced so early on in the term – You should all be incredibly proud of your children!

In Maths we have focussed on being able to form our numbers correctly as well as being able to read numbers as words for eg, 1 – one, 2 – two etc.. More recently we have moved our learning on to focussing on using a number line to find ‘one more/one less.’ The children have been encouraged to use resources such as cubes and counters to demonstrate, explain and check their answers. You can continue to support your child with this area of learning at home using their toys or even during dinner time for example, ‘If I have 3 roast potatoes on my plate and I add 1 more, how many will I have altogether?’ You could even challenge your child by getting them to write the matching numeral or writing out the number sentence eg 3 + 1 = 4.

In Science the children have enjoyed learning about the famous scientist Louis Braile. After learning about how Louis became famous, the children worked in small groups to act out his life and later linked this learning to the 5 senses and being able to name the external parts of our body and had great fun whilst doing so.

In PSHE, we have been learning about ‘Ourselves.’ The children discussed interesting topics such as who they have in their family, what country they or their family are from, their favourite food, hobbies and much more. As a teacher this lesson was great as children absolutely love to talk about themselves and it gave us a better opportunity to get to know them even better! The children were then encouraged to create a mood board that best represents them – They look so amazing that we have displayed them in our classroom!

Throughout the year we will cover various religions in RE including, beliefs and celebrations and ways of life. This term we are learning about Christianity. These sessions are great because although we are learning about a particular religion, the children are given free rein to talk about their own religious beliefs which also opens up the floor to discuss how unique we all are and the importance of celebrating our differences. The children are very much looking forward to our trip to the local Church in Autumn 2.

At Bonneville we love when parents get involved in our learning and so do the children. If you are skilled in a particular area for example art or work in an industry that links to any of our topics (Toys, Taking Flight, At the Seaside) or any of our areas of learning, please let your child’s teacher know so that we can have you on board in enhancing the children’s educational experiences. 

Year 2

Class Assembly 2I –  2021/22
Class Assembly 2W  – 2021/22

Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser- 2024-2025

The latest Year 2 Learning Update!

In English this, we have been researching Mary Kingsley and finding out about her adventures in West Africa. We then used picture to help us write a descriptive paragraph about what she would have seen on her travels and made sure to include expanded noun phrases.

In Maths, we have been focusing on counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. We were able to notice the pattern when counting in these steps and then used this knowledge to help us investigate numbers that are multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s.

In Geography, we looked at all of the continents and were then divided into seven groups. In our groups, we were able to research one continent and created a poster including information about the continent. We spoke about the weather, food, animals and more. We then enjoyed presenting our posters to the rest of the class and told them the information we had learned.

In PSHE, we looked at different jobs and what they entail. We then thought about what job we would like to do when we grow up and thought about the values that we would need to have in order to do that job well.

In Science, we designed a healthy meal and made sure to include all of the things we needed to stay healthy. Did you know that we should be eating 2 to 3 portions of protein per day?

In Art, we looked at a range of collaging techniques and were able to use these to create a picture.