
6 JanuaryINSET day

20 December - 5 January Christmas Holidays

18 - 19December INSET Day - School Closed to all children

17 December Last day of term, 1:30pm finish

16 December Christmas Carol Concert

13 December Topic Exhibition All KS's

13 December Christmas Concert Rehearsal

13 December Whole School Topic Dress Up

12 December Year 5 & 6 Cooking Club Finishes - Last Session

12 December KS1 Nativity

11 December Girls Bonneville football team training

11 December Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day

10 December EYFS Nativity

10 December Year 6 Trip - British Museum

5 December FAB Wreath Making Workshop

4 December Football Mixed League Match

4 December Open Morning

4 December Nursery Local Walk

4 December Girls Bonneville football team training

3 December 6NW Class Assembly

3 December Year 4 Trip: London Mithraeum

2 December FAB Christmas Jumper Sale

2 December Enterprise Market Place Event

2 December 6K Class Assembly

1 December Winter Fair

1 December Value of the month is 'Loyalty'

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Enthusiastic about learning, 
Confident and proud,
 Respectful of others

Welcome to Bonneville School

Bonneville is a friendly, happy and stimulating place to learn. We have a strong sense of community and we ensure that our children feel safe and nurtured.

Bonneville is a two form entry primary school situated in Clapham, South London. The school reflects the community it is part of, with children coming from a wide range of backgrounds. This diversity is celebrated as a real strength of the school. The school is organised into 8 year groups, Nursery – Year 6 with two classes in each year group.

Key Stage 1 and 2 have three teachers assigned to every year group, whilst Early Years have an additional teacher across the the phase. Teachers and support staff are committed to delivering a creative and exciting curriculum which inspires children to learn. We place a high emphasis on developing children’s personal and social skills so that they are:

Enthusiastic about learning  Confident and proud  |  Respectful of others

Above all we want our children to have a variety of experiences during our time with us, to be willing to try new things without fear of failure and to become independent, confident and open minded young people.