Arran Levy – ELSA
At Bonneville, we seek to support all children in their social, emotional and behavioural development so that they are able both to develop holistically as a child and to access learning to their very best advantage.
Many children are held back by issues outside of school, such as complex family needs, bereavement, financial needs and a variety of other difficulties. This often has a very detrimental effect on a child’s ability to develop their potential. We place a huge importance on children being happy in and out of school and we feel that this is vital in terms of being able to ensure that children can learn and flourish as they grow up.
Our TA for Outreach works with individual children and groups to help them overcome these barriers to learning and progress. Time is spent with children to help develop strategies to overcome low confidence and self-esteem, friendship issues or other complex family needs such as separation or bereavement.
A school counsellor is present 2 days per week working with individual children as well as with parents. This type of intervention has been invaluable to many children and families over the years and has helped them address a variety of problems and concerns, allowing them to move on in a much more positive frame of mind going forward. In addition, children who may be subject of Child in Need or Child Protection Plans are well supported and their emotional wellbeing and behaviour is carefully monitored.
If you feel that your child could benefit from support in school to overcome social or emotional difficulties, please contact the Assistant Head Teacher for Inclusion who will be happy to meet to discuss your concerns.