Bonneville is an inclusive school. Our vision is that every child with SEND will receive the right provision to achieve their full potential. The school encourages a strong focus on high aspirations and improves outcomes for children with SEND, enabling them to succeed in their education.

At Bonneville Primary School, every teacher is a teacher of every child, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.

All Staff & Governors At Bonneville Primary School Strive To:

  •  Ensure that everyone is treated with respect and dignity.
  •  Each person in the school will be given fair and equal opportunities to develop their full potential regardless of their gender, ethnicity, cultural and religious background, sexuality, disability or special educational needs and ability.
  • Bonneville Primary School will not tolerate discrimination or harassment or any action or conduct that contravenes the Equality Act 2010 and any behaviours will be challenged that compromises this commitment


  • Offering inclusive teaching will enable all pupils to make the best progress as early as possible in school
  • Fully adopting the graduated approach will ensure that all pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are identified, assessed and catered for within the school
  • Ensuring that high-quality teaching is differentiated for individual pupils is the first step in responding to pupils who have, or may have, SEND
  • Making reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils, so they are not at a substantial disadvantage
  • Planning to increase access to education for disabled pupil
  • Overcoming potential barriers to learning for individuals and groups of pupils so that the curriculum is accessible to all
  • Working in partnership with pupils, parents and carers
  • Working towards inclusion in partnership with other agencies and schools
  • Achieving a high level of staff expertise to meet pupils’ needs.


The Federation SEND Information Report outlines how the needs of children with special educational needs are met at Bonneville.

Click the photo below to access the Lambeth SEND Page.