Upper Key Stage 2

Assistant Headteacher UKS2 

Florence Kirk-Buaku

Phase Timetable

Click here to view the timetable

Year 5

Class Assembly 5F – 21/22
Class Assembly 5H – 21/22
Summer Term Knowledge Organiser – 2023- 2024

The latest Year 5 Learning Update!

Dear parents/carers, I hope you are all well. The summer term is upon us which means this is the last part of the children’s year 5 journey. Out topic this term is Windrush journeys. Thank you again for your continued support we couldn’t have done it without your help and understanding! Please encourage your child to read at home as much as possible.

Science- Science this term is properties and changes of materials. The children used their research skills to find out and understand the impact Stephanie Kwolek made on the world.

ENGLISH- The children have been immersed in the story of Cendrillon- which is a Caribbean Cinderella. They read the narrative and compiled a glossary to understand key words. They enjoyed acting out the story and brining the characters to life. Then they sequenced the narrative focussing on the key events.

PE-This half term is basketball. All children must bring in suitable clothing to change into– shorts, joggers, trainers and T-shirts. This will ensure a level of hygiene.

Humanities: Windrush journeys is our new topic. The children created amazing front covers and explored black history before World War II. They learnt about Lucius Septimus Severus, who was an Emperor of the Roman Empire from 193-211AD. We also plotted the route the Empire Windrush took before its final destination at Tilbury Docks in Essex.

Maths-The children have made been exploring angles. They can name and draw acute, obtuse, reflex and right angles. They can also calculate missing angles on a straight line and within a full turn

DT- This half term the children will be embarking on designing stitching and making their own carnival mask.

Year 6

Class Assembly 6K 2021-2022
Summer Term Knowledge Organiser – 2023-2024

The latest Year 6 Learning Update!

The start to the Summer Term, has been go, go, go for Year 6 and we have all been working extremely hard.  We don’t have long until the end of KS2 assessments (SATs), which will take place the week commencing Monday 13th May.  We have continued to prepare for the tests and to revise and cover the curriculum to help embed it.  A huge well done to all of those children who have been attending the before and after school booster sessions, we have one more week of booster – there will be no booster the week before SATs (Tuesday 6th – Friday 10th).  A big thank you to all of the school staff who are leading these. Our focus at the moment is on Reading, English, Maths, and PSHCE and after the end of KS2 assessments (SATs), we will resume our fully packed curriculum!

A reminder that Music lessons will continue on Mondays and P.E. lessons will be on Mondays and Fridays.  We do ask that PE kits are left at school as we do sometimes have last minute changes to our timetable.  Homework will continue to be sent out on Fridays and returned on Wednesdays.  Each week there will be a spelling homework, which will come home in books and the children must complete all the tasks and write correctly punctuated sentences, ensuring that they are using their neatest handwriting (this is an opportunity for them to practise handwriting, which is part of the end of year writing assessment).  Maths homework will be sent home in books every second week – look out for the Knowledge Organisers on Google Classroom to support with these, each week the expectation is also that the children are going on Times Tables Rock Stars and competing in the Tournament.  All homework is monitored each week, and any uncompleted or not handed in will be invited to “Homework Club”.  Remember that we also have to complete two pieces of Topic / Science homework, all of which were shown at the exhibition – our topic this term is “Survivor”.

Maths:  In Maths, we have been looking Geometry, in particularly measuring and drawing angles and finding missing angles of intersecting lines and polygons.  We have also been doing some additional Maths sessions focusing on key areas and addressing misconceptions.

English:  Our English learning this half term has been poetry.  We have been exploring the poetry ‘spell book’, “The Lost Words”.  We have explored a range of different poems from the book, listening, reading and exploring their structure.  We then compared and wrote a critique on them.  We have used, “The Lost Words” to write our own acrostic poem on ‘kingfishers’ and our choice of poetry genre on ‘barn owls’.  We have also been doing some additional spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) and reading sessions focusing on key areas and addressing misconceptions.

PSHCE:  This half term, we are looking at preventing early drug use and alcohol use.  In this unit we are learning about different illegal drugs and the physical effects of these on the body.  We will develop our understanding of how to get help when we are concerned and the different people that can be approached for help and think about how to give advice to others.


Secondary School Transfer 



Parent Workshops


PGL – Year 6 Residential 

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