Early Years Foundation Stage

Assistant Headteacher EYFS

Martine Auton


Martine Auton

Phase Timetable

Click here to view the timetable


Reception & Nursery Christmas Play – 21/22
Summer Term Knowledge Organiser – 2023/2024

The Latest Nursery Learning Update!

This week we continued with our topic ‘Beautiful Beast’ and read the book titled, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We practised retelling the story using the new vocabulary we learned and talked about the changes that caterpillar went through. We are fortunate to have some caterpillars in our class to observe over time to see the lifecycle of the butterfly.

In maths, we have been talking about patterns and sharing with our friends the different patterns we see in our school environment and those in our homes. We linked this with the activity of making our own butterfly. We chose the patterns we wanted and painted it on the wings of our butterfly creating a symmetry.

In Understanding the World, we learned about the different features of the butterfly such as the number of legs, number of wings and compared it with other minibeast such as the spider with 8 legs. We loved using the word antenna to describe the feelers of the butterfly.

In phonics, some of us have been leaning new sounds ‘t’, ‘p’ and some of us have been engaging in listening games to develop our listening and attention skills.

In Physical development, we moved like the different minibeast and practised balancing bean bags on our heads. We also practised writing our new sounds and gave meaning to marks we made.

We will be learning about snails next week and we are excited to learn more about this minibeast.


Summer Term Knowledge Organiser – 2023/2024

The Latest Reception Learning Update!

Reception have been loving their new topic ‘Beautiful Beasts’ and have been learning all about minibeasts. In English this week we have been reading ‘The Crunching Munching Caterpillar’ and have been sequencing the story and writing our own captions for the illustrations. We have been getting even better at using our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
In maths we have begun our new topic ’20 and Beyond’. We have continued practising counting to 20 and used this knowledge  to help us represent 20 on the tens frames. We have focused on place numbers from 11-20 and used concrete resources to support us to write this in a number sentence eg. 10 + 4 =14. Reception have also matched different representations of numbers to a numeral.
Our afternoons have been just as busy. In understanding the world we have been looking at maps and created our own maps of the playground to help rescue our Crunching Munching Caterpillar. For PD and EAD and the children have been exploring printing and created butterflies using natural resources. We have also been singing a song about the importance of being kind to minibeasts.