Happy new year to all!
We had a busy end to the year before a well-earned break for all the students, teachers and parents who make up the school community.
FAB hosted a decoration workshop at the end of November. Fuelled by mince pies and offerings from the bar, a range of parents from reception through to year 6 came along and learned how to make their own wreath. One of the reception parents is a florist, so under her guidance we managed to make something that looked quite professional. The feedback was great and those that attended would like this to become an annual event.
On the 9th December we held the annual Winter Fair, with food, music, craft and toy stalls, Santa’s grotto, and a performance from the choir all helping to raise funds towards our big fundraising target for the year – a complete overhaul of the year 3 & 4 playgrounds as part of the Playgrounds Project that the school has prioritised. With the very successful raffle and the sponsorship from Aspire, we raised over £5,000! A massive thank you to all who attended the fair, helped in the lead up or on the day and to those who donated their time and effort to make it happen!
We have also managed to raise £3,500 from local business sponsorship and sales of the Bonneville Primary School 2018 Calendar. A big thank you again to all who contributed to making the calendar happen – from the design team (Jilly) and photographer (Anna) to the sponsorship team who had to ask for money. It looks lovely and is filled with the children’s artwork, of which they should be very proud.
We are now in the process of planning our Q1 events, including our first (of monthly) Stay & Play sessions this Friday. Those with 0-4 year olds are welcome to join us for coffee and cake in the music room from 9am. And watch out for more details about our first ever BINGO night on Thursday 1st March in the school dining hall. It’s guaranteed to be a fun night, with a bar and popcorn for sale. Who doesn’t love bingo?!