Key Stage 1

Assistant Headteacher EYFS

Martine Auton

Phase Leader Martine Auton

Phase Timetable

Click here to view the timetable

Year 1

1C Class Assembly  – 2021/22
1J Class Assembly – 2021/22
Summer Term Knowledge Organiser – 2023-2024

The latest Year 1 Learning Update!

This week Year 1 were introduced to our new topic ‘At the Seaside’! We learnt about how the Victorians used to visit the seaside and have afternoon tea. Their learning started very deliciously with their very own afternoon tea! This consisted of cucumber sandwiches and Victorian sponge cake. This made Year 1 very excited for the rest of the topic and to learn more about the seaside – they even asked if we could have afternoon tea every topic lesson!

In English, we have been learning the story ‘The Storm Whale’ by Benji Davies. The children have been creating story maps and coming up with their own talk for writing actions to help them remember the story. They then wrote simple sentences to describe different scenes and spent every day improving those sentences with conjunctions and adjectives, ending with impressive WOW sentences.

In PE we have been getting ready for sports day by practicing our running and jumping skills. Year One were very excited to practice passing the batons to each for the relay race, already debating within themselves which house is going to win! They have showed brilliant and safe techniques with their jumping which will be built upon in the coming weeks before sports day.

Year 2

Class Assembly 2I –  2021/22
Class Assembly 2W  – 2021/22

Summer Term Knowledge Organiser- 2023-2024

The latest Year 2 Learning Update!

In English this week, we looked at different sentence types. We learnt the difference between a statement and a command. Did you know that commands include imperative verbs? Then we looked at questions and were able to think of our own questions including how, who, what, when, where and how. We finished the week researching Japan (this links to our topic) and then we wrote a postcard as if we had visited Tokyo.

In Maths, we used our prior knowledge of the expanded column method and learned how to subtract using the column method. We used dienes to help us exchange when we didn’t have enough ones to subtract.

In RE we listened to the story of the ‘Water Carrier’ and learned that Sikhs are taught to help everyone and treat everyone equally. In PSHE we discussed toxic and hazardous objects around the house and spoke about how dangerous it would be to digest any of these.

In PE we had so much fun reminding ourselves of the basics in hockey. We practised holding the hockey stick properly and passing the ball to one another and stopping the ball when it is passed to us. In computing, we tested out a fish game on ‘Scratch’ and thought about the algorithm that was used in order to create the game. 

In Geography, we located Japan and the UK on a map and identified the continents. We also looked at the oceans and spoke about the oceans that surrounded these two counties. Then we went on a scavenger hunt and used an atlas to locate different cities in Japan.

In Art we looked at photos from the past and spoke about the fact that they were monochrome but we also used our knowledge to explain why these photos were from the past e.g the clothes people wore were different and the vehicles from the past are also very different to the vehicles we have now. We then looked at two different photos and expressed our opinion as well as looked at the similarities and differences between them.