Making a Donation

To make a one-off voluntary donation or as a regular payment to the school:

Direct bank transfers can be made to our Barclays bank account:

• Account name: Friends Association of Bonneville
• Sort code: 20-21-78
• Account number: 90343862

All donations are eligible for Gift Aid. If you are interested in making a voluntary one-off donation or regular payments please complete a Gift Aid form downloadable here. Hard copies are available at the school’s Reception.

Please send the completed Gift Aid form back to school, either by email, post or hand in at the office.

The Governing Board has agreed that money raised from parent donations during 2019/20 will go towards reading resources and the cooking curriculum.

Below is an example of the value of your donation:

Donation Amount Quantity of Reading Resources* Cooking Lessons
£10 2  
£50 11 2
£100 22 4
£250 55 10
£500 111 20
£1000 222 40
£10,000 2222 400


Each class has 1 cooking day per half term, that is 6 cooking days per year.

The delivery of the whole school cooking curriculum is £1,200 per year (excluding the replenishment of resources)




*Reading resources rough value taken from